# persist

After creating a new record via Vuex-ORM you may want to save it to your server via GraphQL. For this use case we have the persist action.

Via calling

await Post.create({ data: {
  content: 'Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet',
  title: 'Example Post',
  user: User.query().first()

const post = Post.query().first();

await post.$persist();
// or
await post.$dispatch('persist', { id: post.id });

the post record is send to the GraphQL by generating the following query:

mutation CreatePost($post: PostInput!) {
  createPost(post: $post) {

    user {


  "post": {
    "id": "42",
    "userId": "15",
    "content": "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
    "title": "Example Post",
    "user": {
      "id": "15",
      "email": "example@example.com"

Like when pushing, all records which are returned replace the respective existing records in the Vuex-ORM database.

# Additional variables

You can pass a object like this: $perist({ captchaToken: 'asdfasdf' }). All fields in the object will be passed as variables to the mutation.

# Relationships

When persisting a record, all belongsTo relations are sent to the server too. hasMany/hasOne relations on the other hand are filtered out and have to be persisted on their own.