# Adapters

There is not single true way to design a GraphQL schema and thus there are some small differences between the implementations, however this plugin has to automatically generate GraphQL queries, has to parse the schema and de-/serialize the data. Thus we needed a way to customize how this plugin should behave and communicate with the API. For this we implemented an adapter pattern, which allows you to setup your own adapter and customize it.

# Basics

Every adapter has to implement the Adapter interface (when your're working with TypeScript). However it's easier to just inherit from the DefaultAdapter:


import { DefaultAdapter, ConnectionMode } from '@vuex-orm/plugin-graphql';

export default class CustomAdapter extends DefaultAdapter {
  // Your code here
  // Example
  getConnectionMode() {
    return ConnectionMode.PLAIN

Then register this adapter when setting up the plugin:


import CustomAdapter from './custom-adapter.ts'; 

// ...

VuexORM.use(VuexORMGraphQL, {
  adapter: new CustomAdapter(),

That's it. In the next sections you can read what and how you can customize the adapter.

# Methods

Each Adapter has to implement a bunch of methods. Here is the list of the currently supported method signatures and their value in the default adapter:

  • getRootQueryName(): string;

    • Returns the name of the type all query types inherit.
    • Default adapter value: Query
  • getRootMutationName(): string;

    • Returns the name of the type all mutation types inherit.
    • Default adapter value: Mutation
  • getNameForPersist(model: Model): string;

    • Returns the mutation name for persisting (creating) a record.
    • Default adapter value example: createPost
    • model is a instance of Model
  • getNameForPush(model: Model): string;

    • Returns the mutation name for pushing (updating) a record.
    • Default adapter value example: updatePost
    • model is a instance of Model
  • getNameForDestroy(model: Model): string;

    • Returns the mutation name for destroying a record.
    • Default adapter value example: deletePost
    • model is a instance of Model
  • getNameForFetch(model: Model, plural: boolean): string;

    • Returns the query field for fetching a record.
    • Default adapter value example: posts or post
    • model is a instance of Model
    • plural tells if one or multiple records (connection) are fetched.
  • getConnectionMode(): ConnectionMode;

  • getArgumentMode(): ArgumentMode;

    • Returns the ArgumentMode for filtering and inputs (push, persist).
    • Default adapter value: TYPE
  • getFilterTypeName(model: Model): string;

    • Returns the name of the filter type for a model.
    • model is a instance of Model
    • Default adapter value example: PostFilter
  • getInputTypeName(model: Model, action?: string): string;

    • Returns the name of the input type for a model.
    • model is a instance of Model
    • Default adapter value example: PostInput

# ArgumentMode

The getArgumentMode() methods determines the ArgumentMode, which knows to options: LIST and TYPE. It tells the plugin how arguments should be passed to queries and mutations.


TYPE is the value in the default adapter and causes the plugin to use a Input or Filter type:

For $persist():

mutation CreatePost($post: PostInput!) {
  createPost(post: $post) {

For fetch():

query Posts($title: String!) {
  posts(filter: {title: $title}) {


LIST causes the plugin to use plain lists:

For $persist():

mutation CreatePost($id: ID!, $authorId: ID!, $title: String!, $content: String!) {
  createPost(id: $id, authorId: $authorId, title: $title, content: $content) {

For fetch():

query Posts($title: String!) {
  posts(title: $title) {