# Usage

Vuex ORM Soft Delete allows models to be soft deleted or "trashed" without actually removing them from the entity data set. When models are soft deleted, the deleted_at and $isDeleted model attributes are mutated and persisted to the store. Both attributes can be customized, see Options for more information.

Subsequently, when executing queries, the soft deleted models will be excluded from results.

Since the $isDeleted can be customized, you can use the $trashed method to determine if a given model instance has been soft deleted:

const user = User.find(1)

if (user.$trashed()) {
  // true

# Deleting

Models can be soft deleted by calling softDelete directly and passing a primary key:

await User.softDelete(1)

Model instances can be soft deleted by calling $softDelete on the instance itself:

const user = User.find(1)

await user.$softDelete()

The $softDelete instance method also accepts a boolean argument which can force instance hydration:

await user.$softDelete(true)

See also: API Reference

# Primary Key

Models can be soft deleted by passing a primary key. Multiple models may be deleted by passing an Array of primary keys.

// Delete a model

// Delete multiple models
User.softDelete([1, 2, 3])

# Composite Primary Key

Models with composite primary keys are also supported. Multiple models may be deleted by passing an Array of composite primary keys.

// Delete a model
User.softDelete([1, 2])

// Delete multiple models
User.softDelete([[1, 2], [2, 2]])

# Expression

Models may be deleted by passing an expression:

User.softDelete((model) => model.name === 'John Doe')

# where Clause

Deprecated in 1.2.0

The where clause accepts values in the same format as outlined above:

// Delete by PK
User.softDelete({ where: 1 })

// Delete by composite PK
User.softDelete({ where: [2, 2] })

// Delete by expression
User.softDelete({ where: (model) => model.name === 'John Doe' })

# Retrieving

Soft deleted models will automatically be excluded from query results. However, you may include soft deleted models in a result set using special query modifiers.

# Including Soft Deleted Models

The withTrashed modifier includes soft deleted models in the result set.


# Retrieving Only Soft Deleted Models

The onlyTrashed modifier will retrieve only soft deleted models.


# Retrieving All Soft Deleted Models

You can retrieve all soft deleted models from the store using the allTrashed getter:


  users: [
    { $id: '1', id: 1, [...], deleted_at: 1519129853500, $isDeleted: true },
    { $id: '2', id: 2, [...], deleted_at: 1519211810362, $isDeleted: true }
  posts: [
    { $id: '3', id: 3, user_id: 1, deleted_at: 1519211811670, $isDeleted: true },
    { $id: '4', id: 4, user_id: 1, deleted_at: 1519129864400, $isDeleted: true }

Additionally, you can retrieve all soft deleted models for an entity:


  { $id: '1', id: 1, [...], deleted_at: 1519129853500, $isDeleted: true },
  { $id: '2', id: 2, [...], deleted_at: 1519211810362, $isDeleted: true }

This is equivalent to the model query syntax: User.query().onlyTrashed().get()

# Relationships

Soft deleted relations respect top level modifiers and retrieving them can be accomplished in the same fashion.

For example, if a soft deleted User model has soft deleted Post models, you would usually execute the following query chain:


However, in cases where you may have soft deleted relations belonging to a non-deleted parent, you can use the usual relation closure:

User.query().with('posts', (query) => {

Using modifiers in a query chain will impact both parent and nested relations. Using relation closures is the most efficient way of retrieving soft deleted relations in most cases, particularly when using the onlyTrashed modifier.


When working with many-to-many relations, intermediate models intentionally ignore any soft delete filtering as these models are not often mutated and serve as a junction between models. This is also due to limitations in the Vuex ORM Query API.

# Restoring

Sometimes you may wish to "un-delete" a soft deleted model. To restore a soft deleted model into an active state, use the $restore method on a model instance:

const user = User.find(1)

await user.$restore()

The $restore instance method also accepts a boolean argument which can force instance hydration:

await user.$restore(true)