# Installation

You can install Vuex ORM Soft Delete via NPM, Yarn, or download it directly. This is a plugin for Vuex ORM, therefore you must ensure Vuex ORM and Vuex are installed.


npm install @vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete --save

# Yarn

yarn add @vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete

# Direct Download / CDN

Unpkg.com provides NPM-based CDN links. Simply download and include with a script tag.

For development environments, testing and learning purposes, you can use the latest uncompressed version with:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete"></script>

For production, it's recommended to link to a specific version number and build to avoid unexpected breakage from newer versions:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete@1.2.0/vuex-orm-soft-delete.min.js"></script>

See the releases for available versions.

If you are using native ES Modules, there is also an ESM compatible build:

<script type="module">
  import VuexORMSoftDelete from 'https://unpkg.com/@vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete/dist/vuex-orm-soft-delete.esm.js'

# Build Variants

In the dist/ directory of the NPM package you will find many different builds. Each of them have their use depending on your build environment and may help to reduce bundle sizes.

Development (uncompressed) vuex-orm-soft-delete.js
Production (compressed) vuex-orm-soft-delete.min.js
CommonJS vuex-orm-soft-delete.common.js
ES Module vuex-orm-soft-delete.esm.js

# Dev Build

The built files in /dist folder are only checked-in during releases. To use the latest source code on GitHub, you will have to run a build yourself.

git clone https://github.com/vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete.git node_modules/@vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete
cd node_modules/@vuex-orm/plugin-soft-delete
yarn && yarn build